Episode 12 "1 Corinthians 1:1-18"
1 Corinthians Notes
This was a Church that was infected by the city - the culture, not the other way around.
Corinth was one of the largest cities in the Roman Empire.Only Rome, Alexandria and Antioch had more population. It was much larger than Athens.
It was the seat of pagan culture.
Anything you could imagine was common in Corinth.
It was a major trade route located on a four mile wide isthmus about 80-90 KM west of Athens
Corinthian Culture infected the Church.
They were divisive
Involved in sexualism
Did not think anything of suing one another if they felt wronged
Infamous for getting drunk during communion
Misused and wrongly taught about spiritual gifts, especially tongues.
This is what Paul was coming into
See Acts 18.1-11 Paul is directed by the Lord himself to stay in Corinth and minister to the gentiles teaching them the Scripture!
According to 1 Cor 5.9 This “first epistle” is actually a follow-up of a previous letter Paul wrote to the Corinthians.
It is also clear this epistle was written after Paul left and when he was most likely in Ephesus because in chapter one, we are told he received communication from Chloe’s household that there were contentions and division in the Church.
This is a problem solving letter that deals primarily with inter Church Problems.
Paul uses the term “now concerning” six times offering specific guidance on certain challenges from marriage and widows, food sacrificed to idols, spiritual gifts, and finally even how to collect offerings.
Paul was like a father to this Church and in Chapter 4 he asks what do you want me to do? Do you want me to come with a rod or love and gentleness?
There are six themes in the letter:
Spiritual wisdom trumps worldly wisdom every time (ch 1-2)
There are rewards for godly living (ch 3)
Spiritual gifts and how they should be used (12-14)
There is no better presentation of the importance of the resurrection than in Chapter 15 of 1st Cor
He spends a huge amount on separating the pagan influence from the Christian.
Division, Marriage, liberty, lord’s supper, collections
He gives the most resplendent teaching on love in all the Bible (ch 13)
Problems with division
10 times in the 1st 10 verses He talks about Jesus
Sanctified by Jesus
Grace from Jesus
Grace given to you by Jesus
Testimony of Jesus
Awaiting revelation from Jesus
Blameless in the day of Jesus
Called in the fellowship of Jesus
Plead by Jesus
He is careful to let them know Jesus is Lord not Paul, not Apollos or Cephus, Jesus is the only True God
Paul is making it clear right off the bat that if you have division it is because you do not understand that Jesus is Lord - yes, the challenges in Corinth is not all a moral problem but a leadership problem.
Paul says he was called (v.1) by the will of God and so are we (v.2) He calls us the “ecclesia” the called out ones.
Notice in v.2 He states they are the Church at Corinth IN Christ. We are not the Church in Stuart, but rather AT Stuart in Christ.
We are just sojourners Here! So you do not have to be like the Corinthians because you are called in Christ. You just happen to be in Corinth.
He used three words to describe Jesus
Title - Lord
Name - Jesus
Mission - Messiah
V 4-9
He thanks God for them that they were:
Enriched (made rich) in everything by Him ( In other words - everything is made better by Him) Every word - Every thought
Examples of what Jesus can do - “ the testimony of Christ is confirmed in you.”
Not lacking spiritual proficiency “ not short in gifts.”
Awaiting the second coming
Most important ( in the context of the matter of division) we are called into the fellowship ( not by Paul, Apollos, or Cephus) but of Jesus, our Lord.
Jesus lordship needs to influence the way we live! The truth is we struggle more with Lordship than most any other issue.
V8 - He is going to confirm you in the end and make you blameless in the Day of the Lord. He is letting them know that even though people can not guarantee anything, Jesus can. He guarantees your position with God by the fellowship of His son, Jesus, the Messiah, our Lord!
V 10 - Now- so here is the issue:
Be that you :
Speak the same thing
No division, but perfectly joined together (like a net)
Same Mind, judgement
V 11 - 13
He is telling them there are contentions among you by a letter from Chloe ( could be what he was talking about in chapter 7 - now concerning what you wrote me)
Note here how he is careful to say “I am of Paul” “ I am of Apollos” He deals with this again in chapter 3, but here he makes it personal. You need to remember Jesus is Lord. “I am of Christ.”
There is nothing more damaging than dissension and division. The only thing Paul instructs us to avoid are false teachers - those that sow discord among the brethren ( Romans 16. 17)
The first thing Paul addresses with the Corinthians is division not sexual sin, spiritual gifts, even love!
Division is the greatest killer in the body of Believers.
He even goes as far as to say “I am glad I did not baptize you because that might have been your reason for division.
Example @ Tc3 with Steve’s Church
The Corinthians were even divided over something as basic as baptism. Salvation comes by the word of God not baptism
V 18 It is all about the cross 0 not anything else and to most of the World - the cross is foolish! But to those who have made Jesus the Lord it is the power of God.
Remember at Golgotha, the man who believed on the cross was saved because he believed!