Episode 13 "1 Corinthians 1:18 - 2:5"

1 Corinthians 1:18 -2:5

Preaching of the Cross

Paul is challenging the Corinthians about the division they have in their Church.

As an example, he points out they cannot even agree on something as simple as baptism.

Baptism cannot save.

It is important to be baptized because it is the public profession of faith, nothing more.

Salvation comes by the Cross!

So Paul says his job was to preach the gospel - not with wisdom of words (man’s wisdom) lest the cross have no effect.

Ours is the message of the Cross!

How come there are no crosses in our Church? (Tc3)  The cross was how the Romans executed people. Would you put an electric chair on your stage if he died in that way?

Understand how difficult it was for people of that time to deal with a “crucified savior.”

Today we romanticize the cross. But in in Paul’s day, it was a scourge to both Jew and gentile. People never spoke about crucifixion in a positive way.  Roman citizens were rarely crucified. In fact, it took a special decree for a Roman to be put to death this way.

Crucifixion was designed to inflict pain and suffering.  Often it took days for someone to die this way. It was the ultimate humiliation.

The preaching of the cross was a ridiculous difficult pill for the people to swallow. You are saying that a man put to that kind of public humiliation is the path of redemption? How can that be?

Certainly, Jewish people would never expect the Messiah to end up on a cross. The Greeks would never deify someone who was shamed in this fashion.

V. 18  

So it makes perfect sense that the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing!

But to us → it is the power of God!

Note here he says we are “being saved” and the world is “perishing” Both are “In process” - our salvation is a continuing process and their perishing is also a continuing process.

V. 19

He then quotes Isaiah 29.14 saying this is exactly what God said would happen!

V. 20

Where is the wise - Greek philosopher

Where is the scribe - Jewish Keeper of the Word

Where is the debater? (Orator) the great speaker

Essentially he is saying God, through Jesus and this execution of Himself on a cross has made all of these “experts” fools. Why? Because all of their wisdom cannot bring salvation, but the cross does! All the wisdom of the world ever brought anyone eternal life - but the cross does!

All the wisdom in the world is trumped by the cross.

V 22- 24

Jewish people were looking for a sign and the gentiles wanted wisdom but we preach that the Messiah was crucified and that crucifixion is a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Greeks.

Jewish people were looking for a Messiah who would be a conqueror. The King of the Jews cannot conquer and be crucified.

The gentiles were looking for a great orator who could persuade and lead. A crucified man could not be anointed by God. It is utter foolishness to them.

The Jewish people were looking for miracles and signs. The Greeks were looking for logic and reason.  To Paul, Jesus crucifixion was the only “proof” they needed.

But to those who are called (ecclesia) , both Jew or Gentile, Christ (Messiah) is both the power of God ( signs + wonders) and the wisdom of God ( logic + reason).

V. 25

Here’s the kicker → Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

What if we are wrong? We have lost nothing.

What if we are right? Then the fool loses everything!

Paul is the classic example of the life changing power of the Cross.

V. 26-29

There are not many wise (not none)

Not many mighty

Not many noble that are chosen

But Paul was one of the wise that were chosen. But, by and large, Jesus appeals to common people - the people others deem as ordinary.

God uses five things to accomplish His work on Earth:

  1. Foolish things (unwise) to shame those who are wise

  2. Weak things (sickly) to shame those who are strong

  3. Base things (agenes - w/o family) to shame those who have family

  4. Despised things (useless) to shame those who are successful

  5. Things that not to nullify those that are.

Why? So that no one can boast before God - Eph 2. 8-9 God wants people to be able to be like Jesus. The preeminent trait of Christ is humility Ph 2. 5-11

Jesus taught this in the Parable of the great supper. Lk 14.16-24

Who comes to Christ? The poor, the maimed, the blind, the lame.

What’s cool about this → it is God’s Choice

V 30-31

But by His doing you are:

  1. In Christ

  2. Who became our wisdom

  3. Our righteousness

  4. Our Sanctification

  5. Our redemption

Note that man thinks you can work your way to wisdom and righteousness and they do not even understand the need to be set aside (sanctified) or redeemed (purchased back)

So that if you boast - you boast in God!

Chapter 2. V 1-5

Remember there are no “chapter breaks” in the Bible - So Paul’s conclusion on this matter of preaching of the cross is in the 1st five verses of Chapter 2

So what does the cross mean to Paul as it relates to his message?

  • I was not a great orator (God’s testimony)

  • I was not a great man of wisdom

  • I only knew Jesus crucified

  • I came in weakness (physical) in fear (Acts 18:9) and trembling.

The message was not meant to be persuasive (Like the Greek scholars were famous for) but simply empowered by God’s Spirit and God’s power - not his own spirit and power.

Why? That your faith should not rest on Greek wisdom (earthly wisdom) but on the power of God.

Only the power of God and the testimony of God can make our message successful because our message to the Greeks foolishness and to the Jew a stumbling block.

And so, what is the testimony of God?

God came to us in the human form, in the person of Jesus, and lived with us from cradle to tomb. Instead of conquering the world, he died the most horrible death imaginable, death on a Roman cross, to become the ultimate sacrifice for SIN, then to prove his sacrifice accomplished the task of redemption, he rose from the grave and now sits and reigns again in Heaven above - that's the preaching of the Cross!


Episode 14 "1 Corinthians 2:6-3:8"


Episode 12 "1 Corinthians 1:1-18"