Episode 14 "1 Corinthians 2:6-3:8"

1 Corinthians 2.6 - 3.7


Being a Spiritual Grown Up

Paul is differentiating between the wisdom of God and the wisdom of men.  Men do not naturally trust God. In fact, the idea of trusting God to secular humanistic people is absurd.


That is why Paul, even though he was as wise as any man, said he came to the Corinthians without any testimony except the testimony of God! He said this was so their faith should not rest on the wisdom of man, but on the power of God.


V 6-9


He starts this section with “de” or But. I love the scripture in this regard 0 whenever you see “de” which is often translated nevertheless or get, but more often simply “But” something great is coming after it.


That is absolutely the case here - But we speak a hidden mystery that the “wise” do not get.


He also introduces this word “teleios” which means simply “adult” or “mature” basically it means finished and so it is often used to describe perfect.


Jesus used this word in His sermon on the mount.  In Mt 5. 44-48 He teaches us to love our enemies and ends it by saying - Be “teleios” just as your Father is “teleios”


1 Co 14. 20 Do not be childish in your thinking - be “teleios” in your thinking.


Eph 4: 1 & 11-13


We are given certain callings that we might attain the unity of the faith, the knowledge of Jesus and become “teleios.”


James uses this word 5 times in his epistle. Each time talking about a total understanding of God.


A teleios faith is not established by anything except the power of God it is not dependent on you! If you are “teleios” you do not speak the wisdom of this age, nor by the rulers of this age, who are dying, but we speak God’s wisdom which is a mystery to them - hidden to them - which God predestined before they even existed.


Simply Stated, “non spiritual people don’t get it.” If they did, they would have never crucified the Messiah.


1 John 2:15-18  If you have God, you cannot love the world. The two are parallel opposites. “The world passes away” - Same idea (different word but essentially the same thought.)


V 10 -11


God revealed truth to us that most people will never understand. Why? Because these are concepts that require the spirit of God.


  • Eye have not seen

  • Ear has not heard

  • Nor has entered into the heart of unbelievers

  • What God has prepared for those who love God!


The spirit searches all things - even the depths of God. No one knows the thoughts of God without the Spirit of God.


V 12 -13


So we have received not the Spirit of the world (which is temporal) but the Spirit of God (which is eternal) (See 2 Cor 4.18) freely by God. (See Rev 22.17) Drink the water freely!


Here’s the cool part - The Spirit is a gift. You do not earn it. It is given freely!


In the world, you have to earn everything you get. IN the spirit, God gives you eternity freely! It is undeserved, but God gives it anyway.


Even what we teach is taught by the Spirit.


V 14 -16


But “de” the natural man does not get it. If I can't see it, If i can't touch it, I can't believe it. What we have is something you cannot see, touch or feel. It is spiritually discerned.


Man is body, soul & spirit. Natural man judges by his sense, but he knows nothing of the Spirit except he is born again. (See JN 3. 1-21) You need not only a physical birth, but a spiritual birth!


The spiritual man goes beyond the five sense (v15) hence we can appraise (discern) all things but a natural man cannot because he only has the five senses of nature.


Hence v 16. Who has known the mind of God to instruct? But we have the mind of Christ.


“Let this need  be in you which was in Christ Jesus.” the natural man does not get it!


What’s interesting is Paul is telling the Corinthians who have issues like crazy that they are spiritual people who have a testimony that is greater than the world can attest.


3. 1-6


However - Paul acknowledges the Corinthians are weak in the area of Spiritual men. They are not operating as “teleios” but as infants - men of flesh or at best abies in Christ.


That is why he taught them basics - milk, not solid food, because they were not ready to receive adult food.


And how does he know this? Because there are divisions among you.


He goes back to where he started in chapter 1.12 - Division is keeping them from folly appreciating the Spiritual nature God has given them when they were born again in the Spirit.


For you are carnal - this is when brothers are not walking in the Spirit, but acting like unbelievers.


He 5.12-13 the Hebrews had the same problem as the Corinthians.


God wants people who are mature and never can be fully used until they are mature.


Episode 15 "1 Corinthians 3"


Episode 13 "1 Corinthians 1:18 - 2:5"