Episode 5 "1 Timothy 3:8-16"

1 Timothy 3: 8-16


“Running in the Dust”

Those that serve “minister”

This section refers to everyone that serves in ministry.

Jesus said  - Matthew 20.28 - the Son of man came to minister (Diakoneo).

 So it even applies to the Messiah!

Acts 6. 1-6 Select people to minister to the needs of the congregants - who have:

  • Good reputation

  • Spirit filled

  • Full of wisdom

  • Are capable of making decisions

They were not necessarily preachers and leaders (Acts 6.4) but were good, wise, spirit filled people who could make decisions and resolve disputes among other things.



(Semnos) - Men of dignity (sacred) Acts 6.3

(Dilogos) - Not double tongued (yeah is yeah)

  • Not addicted to wine

  • - Not a lover of money (Same as 3.3)

  • Jude 3-4 - Holding to the mystery of faith

  • With a clear conscience (reputable) (Proved)

Verse 10

Let the first be tested

  • Make sure you have the right guy as best can (up front) however, make sure they are genuine ( first be tested) in other words, it sounds like Paul is suggesting you act in a limited capacity until you have proven you are capable. (Blameless Titus 1:6-7)


Verse 11 Women who are serving should be

  • Women of dignity (Same as v. 8)

  • Not diabolos (of the devil)

  • But temperate(same as v.2)

  • Faithful in all things

Women are not excluded from ministry - eg (Phoebas, Doreas - Eudoia - Syntache)

Diabolos and Dilogos are essentially the same


Verse 12

Is the same as verse 4 and 5. Have your house in order


Verse 13

Go back to verse 1 - young men aspiring to be an elder is a good thing. Good ministers are pleasing to God.


Go back to Jesus -  I did not come to be diakonos..

When you serve well in your calling, your reputation will grow and your confidence in the faith will grow!


Verse 14 and 15

Paul wrote these letters so you will know how to conduct yourself in the Church - Which is of the human god, the pillar and supporter of truth ( John 14.6)  Jesus himself

The Church is not a club - It is a glorious place that demonstrates Jesus is God!

House of God “okios”

This is the ekklesia -a word that means “called out” that Paul turned into a word that is now translated as “Church” but it is the ekklesia of the human (Living) God!

Held up by the Truth!


Verse 16  This is our confession:


Same word (testimony)

Mystery of Godliness John 1:11-4

John 1. 14

Jesus/God was manifested in Flesh

Made alive (resurrection) in the Spirit

Dikaiio (to justify)

So he was manifested in the flesh but was made alive in the spirit

Equally man/ equally spirit/ God.


John 1. 11

Seen by angels

Proclaimed among gentiles (nations)

The angels declared Him to both Jew and Gentile in Romans 1.16


John 1.12

Believed in the world

Ascended to glory.



Men need to take their rightful place- Holy hand of prayer

Women need to allow men to lead - modestly supporting

Eldership is something men should aspire to because their lives will be awesome

We should all both men and women want to diakonos - serve (minister)

For it is a sacred trust that shouldn't be taken for granted!


Episode 5 "1 Timothy 3:8-16"