Episode 5 "1 Timothy 3:8-16"

1 Timothy 5:1-16


Chapter 1

Paul is writing to Timothy so that he can be the best possible leader in Ephesus.

  • Commands Timothy to stay in Ephesus in order that he can combat heresies (1.3-4)

Lays out at the outset the goal of his chapter to timothy is Love (1.5) with pure heart good conscience, sincere faith.

Paul never lets Timothy forget that there are always going to be people that will teach things contrary to the gospel but the key is to realize that God came to save sinners of which, Paul was not an exception!

In fact, that is the 1st of his 5 “faithful statements,” that deserve full acceptance.

Christ came to save sinners of which I am the greatest of all of them.

Review Chapter 2

Paul then gives the primary task of men to pray even for those in authority - so that our lives be tranquil.

Which is the primary instruction to men.  Men need to take the lead in instruction and prayer.

Women need to let the men lead and not because they are incapable of leadership but because that was the order God set out from the Creation.

Review Chapter 3

Begins with the Second Faithful Saying

If any man aspires to the office of Bishop it is a fine desire to do so.

He then articulates what the perfect elder should look like - essentially superman, but the key essential of a leader is humility, respectfulness, uncontentious spirit. He should be well respected and above reproach.

He then discusses what people, men or women, who minister should be like and it is basically the same criteria.

He concludes the section by giving us our “common confession.”

God - Jesus was- was revealed in human form but was righteous only because he was in the Spirit.

He was known by the angels and Proclaimed to all people.

Believed on by the world (not just Israel) and then taken up in glory!

Review Chapter 4

Significant it starts with But

In other words, even though we have this common confession (homologeo/same word) in the last days (which is defined as the days from the ascension to the rapture) there will be false teachers.

So he goes right back to where he started and the only way to combat false teaching is to teach the word of God and to be men of prayer (4.5)

4. 6 → Your job Timothy is to constantly remind people to be in the Word (“nourished on the words of faith”) having nothing to do with false teaching and always promoting godliness (4.8)

Which leads to the third Faithful saying

We labor in the work because we have “fixed our hope on a God who is alive (human) who is the savior of all men, specifically those who believe.”

Prescribe and teach these things

Paul is careful both in chapter 3 and the end of four to remind us that our conduct is how we are judged.

4.12 show yourself an example of those who believe.

He ends the chapter by reminding us to never neglect our spiritual gifts whether it's prophecy teaching, etc, pay close attention to yourself (conduct) and what you teach.

Which brings us to chapter 5.

Honoring the elderly and widows

V 1-2 the church is God’s family.

“The best dysfunctional family there is”

Don’t rebuke older men treat them as fathers ( 5th commandment)

Treat younger men as brothers treat older women as mothers and younger women as sisters.

Talking about being respectful of others.  Don’t talk down to people especially those who are older.

Talk to people who are generous peers.

Chuck Swindoll - “we lack for doing, not for knowing.”

Again he is dealing with conduct

V 3-16  Goes into a whole section of dealing with widows

This goes back to Exodus 22. 22-24 God does not have any patience for people that neglect widows and orphans

Life insurance, Social security, area ll to protect widows and orphans.

Jesus respected widows - “the widow’s mite”

V4 It is good for us children to take care of our parents in their old age

  • “Make some return”  help financially

V5 A true widow casts her care on God alone   “ Helen dooley Example”

V6 Don’t let a widow become a prostitute “spatalao” live in luxury.  Many women marry just for money.

V7 so we in the church should do whatever we can to protect widows from giving themselves to someone just for the money.  “You better find another reason.”

V8 If you have the ability to provide for your family - widowed mother in context - you are denying the faith.

V9 he talks about a widow over 60.

In Hellenistic days 60 was very old

Average age of men dying was 45, women 50

It is the church’s responsibility to care for the elderly.

What is a “widow indeed”?

Enroll these women to be helped

V 9-10 The church - destitute

  • Wife of one man

  • Reputation for good works

  • She has raised her children (gone)

  • Shown hospitality to strangers

  • Washed other’s feet

  • Assisted those in distress

  • Devoted herself


But do not enroll younger widows

Natural for them to want to just say “I'll never do that again.” but sooner or later they will desire to be married again or they become idle gossips, lazy bodies etc.

V 14-16  If you are a younger woman go ahead and re-marry - have children

Don't let them do things they will regret

The church is responsible for widows indeed but the Church is not the 1st line of assistance but actually the last line.


Episode 7 "Titus 1"


Episode 5 "1 Timothy 3:8-16"